ÖNB Cod. Ser. n. 12766 HAN MAG – De casibus virorum et feminarum illustrium
A new upload by the Austrian National Library!
This splendid manuscript actually illustrates the events of the more or less distant past, but one can imagine similar things happening in the civilized western Europe around 1410.
The artist is talented and there are took care to scatter a wealth of small detail across the folios. Look at the closures of the cuirass in the 1st image!
– an Iberian adarga shield is shown;
– frogface helms;
– visored bascinets;
– in more than one case, the clothing or armour is lifted up, revealing the civilian or military doubler, respectively;
– very late square ailettes appear once – possibly symbolizing the “old times”;
– shackles and stocks;
– keys attached to a loog stick – similar to the Spanish painting posted recently, but not quite as similar to an actual club;
– trebuchet.