Roda Bible is the motherload of all detail on the daily life and warfare of Iberian Christian lands, and specifically Catalonia where it was produced, at the Ripoll monastery.
A staggering range of items is depicted, for the 11th century (if not 10th). The short-sleeved hauberks sometimes seem to be made of scale, and are equipped with square ventails that are shown in both the batle and off-duty position. The helmets have curved nasals, and occasionally have a similar plate to protect the neck.
The ranged weapons include staff slings, javelins, bows and crossbow (a very early medieval example).
Swords have different styles of crossguard – curved and straight, and varied pommels.
Musicians are accppanied by entertainers juggling knives and swords. Rich dining scenes with people drinking wine straight from bulbous “vials”. Several instances of good furniture – beds, chairs, tables.
A unique method of hanging is also shown.
Have fun examining this amazing imagery and finding new detail!